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January 28th Intensive Little Falls, NJ and Remote Intensive February 5, 2017

"If we do not transform our fear and illusions, then we will continue to give our power away to all which ails and blocks us. Illusions are generated to keep us in fear. WE alone have the power to change this - to change our understanding of ourselves and to emerge from this process fully EMPOWERED. But, we cannot facilitate this type of transformation alone. We need insight and clarity coming from BENEATH the illusions and fear - the causal moment where these imprints were created. This is what we offer you, along with the proper energy to transform the DNA, changing what once was into what is organic and stellar. And so it remains fate, not destiny, unless we take our power and create change from within." Angela Nicastro

With all of the craziness going on with victimization patterns and (female) gender imprints, I am facilitating another Intensive on January 28th. We have been doing some very expansive work on the Gender Imprints for women, along with victim imprints from our core foundations. These are profound revelations - those which create the "foundation" for the lives we build. Without changing the foundation we build upon, the old and hidden emotional energies will seep into the new. This was previously unknown and revealed only as we pulled off the layers which lived on top of our foundation.

Gender imprinting creates the lack, fear and unworthiness for women, bringing to rise the impoverishment of struggle, loss/grief, dis-empowerment and the constant and painful search for "belonging" and identity in the world. These imprints are Ancestral and also belong to our species evolution. Exposing these pieces will reinforce the understanding and life lived through self-love, for this and any future lifetimes. And, men carry them as well.

Because of the radical and powerful messaging coming from these imprints, we have also found the reptilian brain activity which promotes the energetic viral behaviors, feeding into fear, unworthiness, etc, causing further breakdown of the mental, emotional and physical bodies.

I am offering this Intensive to you first because of your dedication to your own healing process and because we have worked together very closely in the past few years. I wouldn't want anything to be left unfinished in this realm, as the guides say, "any fear or victimization left in the body is still fear and victimization. If it touches one part of life, it will touch all parts of you".

So, I am setting up the Intensives, the first will be on January 28th.. We will begin at 10 AM Sharp, and continue until we finish - usually about 6 hours. The fee is $250, without the Transmission, and the results will last for eternity. Intensives derive their momentum from the deepest pieces of who we are and who we believe we are. We tear down illusions, chronic pain and blocks. Each person is here to support, contribute, receive and heal, so the intensity is much greater than in session work. The most important thing now is to uncover the root of the victimization - remembering ANY struggle, fear, block has a root in victim memory. This is it.

If you would like to participate, please let me know asap. And, if you know of anyone else who would like to participate remotely, please offer the Intensive to them as well. I am on a mission of revelation and many need our insight and support. Together we can touch the masses. Read below for more information on content.


The same process as above, except this is an on-line experience. We can work remotely with those who cannot make it here to NJ for the Intensive. We all NEED this deeply rooted transformation. It is most important for optimal health and longevity. If we do not transform what lies beneath our consciousness, then we have not effectively created change. Change means having access to the life you really want because we are REMOVING the patterns energetically, emotionally and physically - those things which CREATE the fear and blocks in life. NO fear is good fear.

And, now that we are deeply into the rebirth, the unprecedented shift process of our lifetime, MANY healers are awakening because they heard the call. BUT they cannot step into their power and emerge in the world as advanced healers because they still have BLOCKS, fear and old belief systems which keep them stuck and living without their joy. The Intensive process works with these blocking mechanisms to uncover powerful information to set you free. And allow your natural gifts to be exposed and expand in your life.

If you know people who are suffering with emotional pain or fear, please send the information along to them. Together we can reach many more people than we can alone. It is time for us all to walk the talk and get out from behind the glass prison walls.

The Intensive will begin at 10 AM, depending on what time zone people are coming from. Normally we have a 6 hour window to work in, but I am working in smaller groups so we would need less time.

More Information:

Saturday January 28th - An INTENSIVE focusing explicitly on the stored information being carried as VICTIMIZATION/DIS-EMPOWERMENT/CONFUSION. We are offering multiple opportunities dates because we are a HUGE group needing help with this. (9:30 AM to 4 PM or until we finish). You can read more about the Intensive Process under the Sessions (Intensive) tab above.

These issues are indicated through chronic physical, mental or emotional pain; a lack of vitality or passion; despair, hopelessness or a feeling of apathy toward life; an inability to understand or validate one's life purpose; an inability to validate one's potential or use it to create a successful life or practice in the world.

You have come, now to be part of this re-birthing of humanity. This is why you have come. But, many are having tremendous difficulty bringing out or making REAL connections in the REAL world with their spiritual gifts. The emergence of these gifts is part of the rebirthing personally and transpersonally, BUT the old energy of victimization and fear is preventing many from making those solid connections, building a new foundation and helping others. You want your light to shine and you keep hitting roadblocks and obstacles preventing the inner awareness from taking hold. What is creating all of this? Obviously if you knew then you would have some ability to change these things. The inner turmoil and confusion come from stored memories in your DNA. This information comes from fear based experiences, LIMITING your opportunities NOW. This can be changed.

Highly vibrating energy (light) touches, transforms, changes and creates almost IMMEDIATELY. Going into these new waves touching our planet and our soul, we would not want to carry ANYTHING less than love and neutrality. We run the risk of complete breakdown of our bodies, minds and health AND can open a door out of here very quickly if we FEED any fear or victimization. PLEASE be careful and consider the importance of YOUR life to yourself and others. It is still a puzzlement to me as to why so may people talk as if they understand what is happening BUT don't realize they are vulnerable in this process - so many do not heed the advice or warning from the Guides as real. Another reason why we all need to get out there and be teachers. Starborns are especially vulnerable because of their organic aptitude toward light. Just look at the celebrity's who left last year - many of them are Starborns who have suffered tremendously with unworthiness, victimization and self abuse. The death could have been prevented, IF they understood their origin and their mission.

We have changed the format of the Intensive making the transmission optional. The fee is $250 for the Intensive. The transmission is $100.00. We do these in small group formats so each individual receives bother personal and group healing. I accept credit cards for the Intensive as well.

Following this INTENSIVE will be our next EVENT in FEBRUARY: "Helping Healers Heal" and "Women Inspiring Women" ..more to come on dates and content shortly.

Please RSVP if you wish to attend class or the Intensive. Thank You.

BE the mirror of the soul you wish to touch in others.

Angela Nicastro - CEO 
The Science of Truth, LLCâ„¢
Creator of Starborn Awakeningâ„¢
Conscious Expansion Language
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