Inspiration For Your Daily Spiritual Practice
Inspiration For Your Daily Spiritual Practice can be difficult, especially now as the world around us is moving so quickly. Finding time...
Happy Valentine's Day - Receive 20% off of any service you choose - February 14, 15 & 16th 2
Better than chocolate - Our gift to you - schedule any session before February 16th and receive a Valentine's Day Discount of 20% off the...
January 28th Intensive Little Falls, NJ and Remote Intensive February 5, 2017
"If we do not transform our fear and illusions, then we will continue to give our power away to all which ails and blocks us. Illusions...
RED ALERT: Information Exposed on True dysfunction of Plaque Virus (Epstein-Barr)
The Guides wish to make known the TRUE cause of our illnesses and distress. The vaccinations we received as children contain a...
A Few Thoughts on Truth from the Guides
We are moving at light speed, into an advanced state of being. The veils which have separated us from truth for 50,000 years have been...
Awakening to Change
Dear Friends These past few weeks have been quite a struggle for many, many people. And, now as change is on the horizon people are...
November Class Information
On to Class: Friday we have the Advanced Class at my home in Little Falls ($60). This is where the Ascended Ones, the Light-beings, Star...
Survival Fear is a weapon of the past
Survival Fear is a weapon of mass destruction, control and it has been raping humans for 50,000 years. Now, it can be a weapon of the past,
Facing The Con of Man: Take off the rose colored glasses
Hi All Of course I realize this message isn't for everyone. And, the truth is hard to deal with. Waking up from Species Coma is...